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Home / Ideas / 5 Steps to Improve Your Facebook Business Page

June 3rd, 2021 7 minute read

5 Steps to Improve Your Facebook Business Page

Every person who has started their business has either created or was told to create a Facebook page. Why wouldn’t you? Think of it — billions of users. The capability of reaching people on a global scale. Sounds like the way to go.

But… how is that working for you? Is your business seeing results from the page? Or are you sick of trying to keep up with being the owner, CEO and social media manager?

If you are wondering if there is anything you can do to improve your Facebook page, the answer is a resounding YES! Here are five simple steps you can take to augment, improve and see results from your Facebook business page.


How do you know where to start if you don’t know where you are going? Setting clear, established goals for your social media is vital to the entire process. Don’t just simply build it and hope they will come because that is just a movie. You have to ground yourself and consider what you want out of your social media. Start with SMART goals:

  • Specific
    The more specific you can be about what you want your Facebook page to do, the better. Increase sales? Drive traffic? Increase brand awareness? Build an email list? Figure out the ultimate goal.
  • Measurable
    How are you going to measure your goal? Facebook Insights has great tracking methods for engagement and ROI for ads, and tools like Google Analytics can aid with measuring website traffic.
  • Attainable
    Be reasonable when setting goals and deciding what KPIs you want to see. The average engagement rate for Facebook posts is 0.18 percent, so curbing expectations is vital to setting the goals of the page.
  • Relevant
    Every goal should be in complete alignment with your niche, company and brand. Ensure that each reflect your company’s vision and mission.
  • Timely
    Put a deadline on the goal. For example, increasing your email subscriber list by 40 percent in five months.

Lucky for you we have already written all about goal setting and social media that you can find here.

“Think of social media as a tool in your marketing toolbox with the ability to assist in various business functions: cut down customer service calls, address recent events in the company or the world, launch a product, share educational pieces, etc.”


Who do you want as your audience on your Facebook Page? Start with the basics:

  • Need
    What does your target audience need that your company provides?
  • Demographics
    Put your audience in categories of age, gender, household income, education/occupation and location.
  • Interests
    What are your prospective customers interested in?
  • Behaviors
    What common behaviors do you see among your target audience?

Ideally, you would want to do research on your customer. Click here to learn about Kinetic’s primary research.

Start with your current customer, those people that are already buying your product/service. Think about what they have in common and describe them in as much detail as possible

Monitoring your competition aids in this as well. How are they communicating with customers? You can also bring some friends and family into the mix. Chat with them about the product/service and get insights.


Most businesses start Facebook pages without thinking about it first. So, more than likely you do have a Facebook page, and even if it is performing at a decent level, it can always do more. This is why a good audit of the page is important. Take a look at the diagram below:

Using a diagram like this can help you assess your current listings and find ways to optimize your Facebook page’s performance. Is everything aligned with your brand’s tone and tenor? Have you used a solid keyword strategy in your writing? These things all have a huge impact on your Facebook page.

We have used this same diagram in a lot of our social media audits and could do the same for you. Reach out to me at zac@kineticmc.com to set up a meeting.


The bread and butter of your Facebook page is the content that you are producing and showing your audience and prospective customers. In this next to last step, you’re going to use the information you have already collected in order to appeal to your target audience to reach those SMART goals.

Always begin by considering your audience and demographics. What’s going to appeal to them most? Strategize and re-strategize how you can speak to them on a one-on-one level. Let them know you understand their pain points and offer the solution to them. All the while letting them take a glimpse into the life of your business. Authenticity is one of the most important things in social media. If you lose that, you lose trust and the audience.

Always use high-quality graphics. Facebook posts with graphics receive a far better engagement rate and will rank higher on the Facebook algorithm than those without. If graphics lead to better engagement, video leads to the best with 135 percent more reach than posts with only an image.

Don’t forget about the copy! Writing a Facebook post is important as well. A dynamic image of a video gets attention and the copy lets them know what they are looking at. So, what is the optimal length for business posts? Well, that’s not an exact science as every industry will vary; however, some key stats to know are:

  • 40-character posts receive 86 percent more engagement over others.
  • 80-character posts receive 66 percent more engagement over others.
  • Posts asking questions between 100-120 characters drive more engagement.
  • Links with more than 100 characters are cut off.

Again, content development is an ever-changing process that needs to be monitored at all times, which brings us to…


Facebook has some of the best monitoring tools on social media platforms. You can simply go to your insights page to see a lot of information that can help you gauge and measure your page’s performance. Likes, follows, engagement rates and best performing posts will all be waiting for you to monitor.

You can also export an excel spreadsheet with even more information that is sure to both wow and overwhelm you. There is a reason why Facebook is known for being a tech giant.

Tracking will allow you to know whether you’re hitting that target audience and achieving your goals. It also helps you refine and develop your content. If you are seeing a lot of engagement with a certain type of post, well then… do more of them! Without tracking your performance, it would be impossible to actually know if anything you are doing is working, so it is a pivotal tool in your social media marketing toolbox.

Your Facebook page is just as important as your website. Think of it as an extension of your website, and a free one at that! Using it effectively and strategically will exponentially raise your business to a new level. So, get out there and social media network it.