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July 19th, 2021

Case Study: An Influencing Ambassador Campaign

Kinetic’s team doesn’t just stop at finding someone to promote a company. We will plan an entire campaign and adventure. This influencer marketing campaign with Dometic was a dynamic way to promote its latest and greatest products to a target audience.


Dometic is a global leader in the mobile living industry. RV users, boat owners, truck drivers, campers, outdoor people around the world buy and use Dometic products. Kinetic was chosen to lead their North American marketing efforts in their largest division—that of equipping the RV industry. We initially worked with Dometic on developing and executing a new email strategy for B2B and B2C audiences and on assisting with their PR and trade show strategies before taking on an ambitious (and fun) event in January 2020 to bring together industry influencers and key players.


Kinetic proposed a travel experience for Dometic ambassadors in which they journeyed for a week in an authentic camping adventure. We captured rich video and photography of the influencers using Dometic products. Overall, we researched, vetted, trained and traveled with these brand ambassadors from the legendary Quartzite RV Show into the mountains north of Phoenix and then to Tucson for the first ever Dometic in the Desert trade show, which we also produced. This conference highlighted their newly released products to a global audience. We developed the social media strategy for the trip, which provided a special stage for influencers to share content.



We produced exceptional photos and videos that were widely shared with the ambassadors’ audiences and used on the Dometic brand social sites. The photography and video captured the spirit of adventure while featuring Dometic products front and center. The event, Dometic in the Desert, received significant praise from attendees and was planned for a second event.

We don’t like to say influencer marketing campaign as much as we would like to think ambassador adventure tour. No matter what you call it, it was a success! If you would like to download a PDF of this case study click here.