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Home / Ideas / 6 Things You Need to Develop a Lead Generation Strategy

March 25th, 2021 8 minute read

6 Things You Need to Develop a Lead Generation Strategy

When you are starting a lead generation campaign, you begin with strategy. So, where do you start? You have to begin with Who, What, When, Where, What and How. We will examine six factors you need to have nailed down in order to develop a clear, concise and, most of all, SUCCESSFUL lead generation campaign.


The unique value proposition (UVP) is essentially your business’s elevator pitch. It is what separates you from the herd. It’s the answer to the questions: why you wanted to start your business and what hole you wanted to fill in the marketplace. Your UVP is not industry jargon or certifications you have; it is the way you give customers a boost and the why they should do business with you and not your competitors.

If you haven’t already developed a solid UVP for your business, you should immediately sit down and figure it out.

Get into this mindset:

  1. Be original, or (just the actual word in the phrase) unique.
  2. Be engaging. You want the eyes on you. Do what would capture the attention of readers.
  3. Be unattainable. Make sure your competitors will not be able to recreate your UVP.

Then ask yourself: 

  1. What do I do that provides the most benefit for my customers?
  2. What do I do that my competitors don’t?
  3. What is the most tangible benefit to my target audience?

Once you have your answers… you can create your UVP.

This is why leads will want your product or service to address their pain points.

Pain Points

Every person that is a lead has needed to address a pain point and began researching which business they will use to alleviate or cure that pain. There can be an assortment of pain points, but for the sake of lead generation to position your company as the solution, let’s focus on four:

  1. Process pain points: Customers need assistance in simplifying a process.
  2. Support pain points: Customers are not getting the support they need.
  3. Financial pain points: Customers are spending too much money on a service or product and looking to save.
  4. Productivity pain points: Customers are wasting time and want an alternative.

These pain points can point you in the right direction on how to communicate the right solution that your business offers to a target audience.

Buyer Persona

When developing a lead generation strategy, you should use your UVP and pain points that you address and match them to your ideal customer. This is essentially a cumulation of qualitative research on your audience that results in a semi-fictional person that represents your customer.

You can easily build your own buyer persona from information you probably already have.

  • Contact database: Track the trends on how you came across the contact. What content drove them to give you their information?
  • Form templates: Some templates can give you more information about your customers.
    • The, “how did you hear about us?” check box or the “how many people are in your household?”
  • Sales team feedback: This is vital to get the input of the people interacting directly with the customer. They can give you a lot of insights into the best customers you have.
  • Interview customers and prospects: Conduct a little background information collection as well. Interview some of your customers to get to know them that can easily be adapted into the persona of your ideal customer.



Your content plan will be the bread and butter of the research you have already done in the lead generation strategy. After all, your content is how you generate leads in the first place. It is the when, where and how of the lead generation.

Since it will encapsulate the three components of the strategy, content must be carefully planned and measured at all times. It is an ever-changing component of marketing. You can plan your content, but the specifics will change over time. Sometimes day-to-day or minute-to-minute when dealing with social media platforms as a form of disseminating your content.

Your overarching messaging and branding will be steadfast. This is how you will communicate your UVP that addresses the pain points of your buyer persona.

Content also maps out a customer’s journey guiding them through the buyer’s journey.

Lead Scoring

Think of lead scoring like a grade. The higher the grade the better, so the higher the score the more the lead will become a customer. It is a way to qualify leads in a quantitative way to determine where they are in the buyer’s journey. Are they interested (awareness) or ready to buy?

The score is based on information consumed, actions taken, personal information provided, engagement levels or other factors that the sales team can aid in determining.

The higher the score, the more qualified the lead is AKA sales qualified lead. Lead scoring is an ever-evolving factor that should be revisited and specific to your company.


Tracking a lead is pretty self-explanatory. It is tracking each customer to initial touch to purchase. You can trace where the lead came from either inbound or outbound marketing strategies. Tracking leads is extremely important as it can give a good indication of when someone is ready to make a purchase.

This process can ensure that the handoff from marketing to sales is seamless. You can make projections from the insights into understanding how the sales funnel works.

Tracking leads can aid in the refinement of marketing strategies that may not to working as well as others to move prospects through the funnel with less friction.

Once you have all of these factors nailed down you are ready to begin your lead generation strategy. As always, Kinetic is here to help! Feel free to reach out to me at any time at zac@kineticmc.com.