Retarget and Rake in the $$$$$
OK, you’re reading this. Which means you already know the critical role advertising plays in driving people to your website. But what if some of the people who visit your site aren’t quite ready to buy or connect with your services on their first visit?
According to all-knowing Google, nearly 97 percent of people who visit websites for the first time leave without buying anything or engaging in any way, and then they’re lost in the digital abyss. Unless, of course, you can find them floating around out there and lure them back.
That’s what retargeting campaigns are all about.
You know you’re constantly getting retargeted. How many times have you looked at an item on Amazon or searched up a certain service or company? Then, no matter where you go on your Internet journey for the foreseeable future, you see that service, product or company’s ads on every single website or on social on your phone, tablet and computer. Annoying? Sure. Effective? Absolutely.
Just ask yourself how well it works. Because you’ve already looked something up or spent some time researching a particular good or service, there’s obviously some interest there. By being reminded both subtly and overtly with consistency, eventually you’re pretty likely to go creeping back. We know from first-hand experience that you can make this work for your business, and we can help.
Why use retargeting campaigns?
There are three key reasons why you should consider integrating retargeting into your overall marketing strategy.
1. Retargeting is a proven, cost-effective long-term marketing strategy for businesses that know they have a following of people who have already shown some interest in them. Basically, you’ve got a head start in growing your customer base.
2. Higher ROI. Retargeting marketing achieves a higher ROI as opposed to other digital tactics. Because retargeted ads are repeatedly displayed to visitors after they leave your website, there’s a good chance that users will return to your website, finish a purchase or choose to use the service(s) your brand offers.
Additionally, because these ads are tightly focused on consumers who are ready to take actions on your website, you won’t waste a bunch of money on totally worthless digital campaigns. The result? More conversions and a more efficient marketing budget spend.
3. Retargeting builds brand awareness. Retargeting ads keep your brand top of mind for potential customers who aren’t ready to purchase when they first visit your site. Additionally, the more a potential customer sees your ads, the more memorable your brand becomes.
How Does Retargeting Work?
Once a visitor browses specific pages on your website, they will start to see your ads on social media, while checking the weather, listening to Spotify or visiting other online stores. Your ads will remind them of all the amazing things you have to offer and bring them back to you when they’ve decided to make a purchase or connection.
At Kinetic, we help clients develop effective retargeting campaigns with the help of Google Ads, Facebook retargeting, LinkedIn ads and other retargeting platforms (we know them all!). As serious marketers, it’s crystal clear that retargeting is a vital tool that connects our clients with their customers and increases sales and customer loyalty.
At their core, retargeting campaigns place your ads in front of the right people, at the right time and in the right places. For that reason, retargeting is an essential, profitable marketing strategy for any business.
Interested in learning more or ready to get started? The Kinetic team is here to help your business grow, thrive and be as successful as possible — and we’ve got retargeting down. Reach out to us!