Terzo Power Systems Brand Messaging and Investor Relations

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Terzo, the brainchild of mechanical engineer Mike Terzo, was founded to push the technology envelope in the fluid power industry and bring a new level of simple, compact and energy efficient technology to the market. The state-of-the-art hydraulic, testing and validating facility is based in the Sierra Foothills of Northern California where the company focuses on the development, commercialization and manufacturing of high performance, compact and ultra-efficient hydraulic systems and off-road, heavy duty hybrid system technology.

Terzo approached Kinetic with the need for brand messaging and visuals with special attention given to language that would appeal to investors, partners, and potential buyers in the market. As an essential part of updating the brand and visuals, the Kinetic team traveled to California for an on-site photoshoot to capture new images that continue to support the website, sales materials and planned marketing collateral.

Brand Stylescape

Stylescape developed by Kinetic for Terzo

Kinetic also partnered with Terzo on updating the company’s website and infusing it with updated content and visuals, refining the company’s presentation deck to potential investors, developing a brand launch campaign consisting of emails, a landing page and company collateral with many more projects in the works.


2021 Davey Gold Award for Logo Design for Kinetic Market & Creative


Product Video


Visit Terzo Power Systems

Presentation Deck

Brand Collateral


Photos taken by Kinetic on site.

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