Case Study: Public Outreach Crisis PR COVID Campaign | Kinetic

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June 30th, 2021

Case Study: Public Outreach Crisis PR COVID Campaign


Billings Public Schools District 2 (SD2) is the largest in the state of Montana and engaged Kinetic Marketing & Creative to assist with public relations strategy and support as they were facing increasing community outreach and messaging challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting protocols being put in place.

Crisis PR is necessary when passions are stirred in an audience (in their case parents, teachers, School District staff and community-at-large) all have various perspectives, firmly held beliefs and are impacted personally.


The Kinetic team began by assisting the Superintendent in communicating with the community about school closures and pandemic precautions.

Our team implemented a daily Facebook Live stream with the Superintendent. For these events, we provided him with key talking points, coaching and tech support. We also developed strategic and pertinent social media posts as well monitored and responded to social media (Facebook and Instagram) interactions. We also created and populated a database to track social responses and community tone.

As part of this effort, we also created a 1-page website. This microsite provided weekly updates of Covid/infection numbers within the district as well as statewide. This was also a resource for understanding the protocols and safety measures being put in place, outlined the SD2 reopening plan and allowed people to directly email and communicate with the administration.


The Superintendent’s first Facebook Live garnered over 5,000 views with an engagement rate of 4%. Over the course of the 16 weeks leading up to the election, SD2 saw a 42% increase in followers and a nearly 30% engagement rate. Other feedback indicated that the Facebook Live events also became more liken to community events, where residents were able to connect and share resources. Ultimately, community perception of district leadership and SD2’s reputation endured the crisis unscathed. Additionally, engagement with SD2’s social media presence remains active and continues to grow.

See the full case study.