Imagine360 | Kinetic

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Imagine360, a company that manages self-funded health plans, recently brought together three separate companies – EBMS, ELAP Services and GPA – under one roof. Each of these companies had been using different technologies, platforms and processes, causing inefficiencies and inconsistency in the user experience (UX). To fix these issues, the Kinetic team was brought in to evaluate the current technology and help inform the development of a strategy for the future. To fully understand Imagine360’s current technology situation, the Kinetic team conducted comprehensive primary research. This included interviews with employees, stakeholders and leadership to gain insight into their needs and pain points. Based on this research, the team was able to develop a vision for an ideal future state of technology for Imagine360.

Primary Research

Imagine360 Future State Video

With the goal of helping them to create a more userfriendly experience, the Kinetic team worked with Imagine360 to implement UX principals into the design of their new patient portal. Through multiple iterations and usertesting exercises, we were able to ensure that the design of the dashboard and tool tips exhibited.

User Experience Design Wireframes

Web Portal

User Experience Design Exploration

app user experience examples

Additionally, to encourage early adoption of the new patient portal, the Kinetic team took a threeprong approach. We developed a welcome video, clickthrough tool tips and an interactive virtual tour of the technology. While best practices for UX were incorporated throughout the project, this extra effort in onboarding users to the new platform means that Imagine360 is able to connect with both the technology savvy and the digital novice.

From there, the Kinetic team also developed strategies for promoting the new technology to upper management and stakeholders. This included building a strong case for the new technology and outlining the benefits it would bring to Imagine360.

MiBenefits Welcome Video

Tooltips Walkthrough Presentation

Imagine360 Tool Tips Animated Gif

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